Monday, November 29, 2010

Nov 24 - Homework Review

The majority of class time was spent discussing the homework of ideas to attract people to graphic design / visual communication. Most of the ideas were taking advantage of the potential students during the orientation tours and the booths near the student union. The ideas I liked was having a giant human-size book that shows examples of the graphic design field, playing around with the signs to show how graphic design influences it, bring you friend to class, and a mazelike wall that also showcases the student's work of graphic design. My ideas were simple as it is of having the orientation tour the first level of the fine arts building to see the gallery, and putting pamphlets inside the bags of the student orientation. Unfortunately, both of my ideas were shot down due to the management of the school. The first floor on the fine arts building only consists arts by high school, and it would not be fair to have pamphlets only of the art field in student orientation bags. Other ideas were also put down due to the school restrictions. Such as school websites hosting the art field and  tour guides going into the buildings.

We were then supposed to watch a video, but the machine wasn't working. So Jimmy explained more about the finals. Then, we spent the remaining time doing the evaluations for the teachers. Ugh one more week of school, and I'm not ready...-_-

nov 22 - Discussion and Storytelling

We started the class with Jimmy mentioning "high" and "low" culture, and discussing on what it is since the phrase is not commonly used. It ended up with the class deciding on two different definition for the cultures. One was that "high" culture is what's trendy / popular, and "low"culture is what is not widespread. The other definition is that "high" culture is what is considered classy / social distinction, and "low" culture to be underground / trashy. Funny how "high" and "low" can have different meanings. Next, we discussed on - what is design? Since it was difficult to say the exact definition, we talked about graphic design and what are the elements of it. It was a pretty long discussion since graphic design had many components and covers many fields.

Next, we did a short activity in groups of two of making up a story based on random objects. A first for our class, so the story results were not that great. The stories were also short since we had very little time to plan and discuss the story (10 min). Unfortunately, everyone wasn't able to make a great story, so Jimmy was lenient on us. We were then assigned our homework of making good ideas that will attract potential and enrolled students to graphic design / visual communication at CSULA. This was because not many people know what graphic design / visual communication is. The goal is to inform and invite people to learn about the field and attend too. We spent the last half hour of class brainstorming ideas for the homework. Only thought of basics ideas, would be interesting to see everyone's results.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Nov 17 - Film and Final Project

In the beginning of class, we talked briefly about the different art museums to see here in LA. Since I'm from San Francisco, I have never been to one and only know very few of them. So it was very helpful listening to all the names of the art museum, too bad I didn't write them down. Ah well, at least I know that there's a lot here.We spent the class time watching a documentary called What are Dreams. It was actually between origami, dreams, and mayans, and the outcome was dreams by vote. Funny thing is the we started with an entertaining beginning since Chomsiri shrieked when the video introduction showed a praying mantis. Hope she will be able to get good sleep afterward. The video was definitely interesting since it explains about REM and non REM (resting eye motion) dreams, the different experiments involving dreams, what causes dreams, and the effects of dreams.
Here's some interesting information:
waking a person during REM dreams causes them to be negative due to the magdellum (sp?) in the brain, nonREM dreams helps improves memory, cats and dogs dreams of everyday activity,
REM dreams of human are a)replay of the past and to test out the possibilities in the future b) helps creativity and brain activity c) more lucid and fanciful,
nightmares are to help in preparing for dangerous situations (survival)

Jimmy then gave us a more detailed information of our final project. The final project is a 5 minute video of self-searching analysis on myself, my creative process and design of my creativity / ideas. There are no restriction on the video, so anything goes. Have to make sure to explore, evaluate, critique the content and concept before turning in final video. Need original title, explain the ideas represented, the approach to project, and the methodology used. Inspiration to help would be our reading book on design process, the activities we did in class, and imagine self as successful designer. Jimmy also wants the video to be posted on youtube and blog. Oh boy. Never did a video project before so this will be new. To help on the final project, we are to dream about them until next class (expand out creativity during sleep). So far, I dreamed of my mom, doughnuts, and the Little Rascals movie....huh? @_@ o-okay. Next class, we are to discuss the ideas and approaches that we made so far for the project. Ugh, can't really think that much on it now. XP

Nov 15 - Group Activity - Who? What?

I think we had the most fun in class that day. Everyone was to play a simple game with only the words "who" and what" in a circle with any 2 items. The 2 items used were a tube of paint and a board eraser. The sequence between two people is: this is a what (shows item), a what?, a what, oh a what (takes item). The person with the item then does the following sequence with the person next to them. This goes on until everyone in the circle does it. To make it more challenging, another object as "who" will be passed out on the opposite side simultaneous to the "what" object. The goal of the game is to complete the cycle of the circle by passing both objects around. Sounds simple, but is very difficult to do. Especially if some people giggle and break the pattern up (Guilty XP). Everybody had lots of fun playing this game, too bad we weren't able to accomplish it though. We were so close to doing it too! This game helped us to show how communication works in a group, by following the flow of the pattern / group and staying focus on task. Getting distracted (giggling in the game) loses focus and breaks the pattern up. This game is a great example of how a group works. Although, the sounds of "who" and "what" kept me thinking of Dr Seuss and music. xp

Afterward, we relaxed and let our mind wander to creativity as opposed to the mind focusing during the game. Jimmy read us a narrative introduction of us leaving our home, entering through the forest and into a cave, a passageway full of doors, finding a door with our name on it, and opening the door. We were then to draw what is beyond the door. But since the door had my name on it, I believe that beyond would be a reflection of me. So I drew the things I would like to have in my  room with the basic room layout of rug, desk, light, window, bookshelf, closet, and little nick-knacks. For the fairytale and fanciful effect, I added weapons and dragon design on the wall, fancy rug and light, and a baby dragon resting. If there were no doors or no personal name or just a cave, I would probably imagine a different world. Everybody else were also creative in what they imagined beyond the door. It's good that we did a very relaxing activity after the game, let us explore our creativity.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Reading - Stage 6 - Communication p 141-168

Chapter 6 explains communication during the presentation process. Basically, when presenting the final stage of the design/idea. Communication has 3 phases: encoding, the message itself, and decoding of the audiences. The designers focus is on how the audience view the message, so it's important to communicate to the clients to focus on what they need than what they want. Reactions from the audience may be different than what the clients may want. However, there are several other factors to consider for communication: the clients, corporations, manufacturing, and associates. All of them have different needs and methods, so it's difficult, but very important, to communicate/ understand/ discuss with them in order to have all the demands met. Lots of group activity involved, so I guess I gotta work on debating people if I have to. ack.

During presentation, there are 4 levels of information needed: statement, concept, detail, and planning. Statement is the basic info of who, what, where, and why; almost like the creative briefs. Concept is the development of the idea. Detail is forming the idea into a visual image or model. Planning is what the design will do in the future. So during the presentation, we have to communicate how 4 levels were formed from start to finish. Some of the presentation methods are: illustration (pencils, markers, etc), computer programs (photoshop, flash), and models. It's very useful to have skills in several presentation methods, gives diversity. Gotta work on that since I have the stuff, but don't really bother to practice on them -_-.

A good way to give a presentation is to be a actor on stage - know the lines, use props (the materials), have emotions and tones, and be motivated. By being a good actor, you get the message across to the people and leave an impression. Being confident during the presentation would then communicate to the group that the idea/concept is a good one. This reminds me of when we did the body gesture activity of 2 lies and 1 truth. Really nervous up front, so it's gonna take some work for me to be a good presenter. Would help if I practiced and "know the lines" and be emotional. Man, I gotta work on everything based on this chapter! XD

Nov 10 - Focusing Exercise

By the time I came in class, everybody were discussing binary numbers. Apparently Jimmy noticed the date 11-10-10. On the board were the decimal numbers and binary numbers:
0    0            4     100
1    1            5     101

2   10           6     110
3   11           7     111
Everybody then had to discuss what would be the nest numbers 8-10 based on the previous numbers while Jimmy left for a brief moment. I personally looked to see if there were any patterns.There were repetitive numbers between 0-3 and 4-7 with the numbers ending in 0-1-0-1 etc. The following numbers would also have another digit based on the change between 3 and 4. Everybody also noticed and agreed on both facts. But that was the only thing everyone agreed on since we couldn't tell if either 0 or 1 would be added to 8. By the time Jimmy came back, everyone said they were in agreement of the number: 1000, 1011, 1100. But when asked to each individual, not everyone agreed to the solution. The group was split in half with that pattern, and other half for a different pattern.

The activity was to show the different languages involved in a group and how it can be like if between the clients and designers. Most people hire designers when they themselves don't understand design, so the designers need to explain to them in the client's language instead of their own in order to help them understand the concept. Since design is way to communicate visually, we also need to understand how the explain verbally. Hence the language issue. Also different methodologies are needed to be used in group to explore different ways and ideas until everyone are convinced of the solution. "Meaning" of a word is a way to understand and has something attached to it. "Representation" is re-translation and communications of the idea (ex poster).

Jimmy then went over the book Graphic Design Now by Taschen that is full of design images. Then, we did the rest of the group regarding homework from last class: 10 images and 1 heading with different meanings/moods. Homework: None!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Nov 8 - Discussion - Creative Briefs

We started class with discussing about the GAUGE speaker event regarding Ismael Obregon. Most of us attended the event and we gave a brief explanation to the ones who didn't. The name of his design company, "Oishii" was first discussed since Obregon pointed out that word/name was important. I didn't realize that the name could have been a combination of his name - O in Obregon and "ish" from his nickname. He didn't point that out, but only explained that he chose that name for the meaning "delicious" in Japanese. We also pointed out that he mentioned we should have 2 languages: spoken and visual language. Visual language contains: connection of the idea, expression of the of the idea and communication for it. The process is the translate it from words/message, interpret, synthesize it, and express the idea. In order words, make sense of the idea and get to to have different meanings. Examples would be symbols on the signs and the red hand symbols on the crosswalk for no walking.

Then, Jimmy briefly went over our homework of the creative briefs for the video: The Power of Ten. I really messed up the homework badly: fortunately, everyone got full points for it as we really did not go over it enough *whew*. So, the next discussion was about what creative briefs really are. There are 4 different types of creative briefs: outline approach, paragraph approach, complete sentences approach, and casual approach. The creative briefs are almost like a contract between a client and designers with information regarding the design between them. It's also a translation of what the clients wants for their design, so lots of adjectives, feelings, and action words were used. Jimmy read out several examples of creative briefs from unknown companies to give us a clearer idea of what they are. Creative briefs are more complex than I thought as it seemed like a report to me. Then again, it's been a while since I did one so that could be it too.

I think that we then went over our missed homework of 1 meaning with 10 images that shifts the mood or meaning. Uh....let's just say I did badly on that too and I definitely need improvement. Think cause I didn't put too much thought on my homework. Gotta work on that... Some people still had it, others didn't. So next class, the rest that didn't go that day will have to for next class. And we get no homework! ^_^

Monday, November 8, 2010

GAUGE Speaker - Ismael Obregan

On Thursday, I attended to the see the GAUGE guest speaker, Ismael Obregan (creator of Oishii Creative - design company). This was a first time for me attending an event with a guest speaker who is in the career of my major (graphic design) and with high credibility. "Oishii" means 'delicious" in Japanese, which was cute since their logo was a sushi piece. It was not obvious since the logo was three colored oval as sushi, but it was still ingenious. The company do various design work for a lot of high profile clients, such as EA games, NBA, NFL, Disney, etc. Ismael was entertaining and had a sense of humor, even making fun of himself. I had fun at the event as I learned a lot from him about the design world.

The main point of Ismael's presentation was words / language. Words are the most powerful tools for designers, especially when using it for visual languages (illustration). The challenge is to use words in an innovative way that is not so obvious. His example was the name - Oishii creative, as the company name instead of the obvious last name. Cute and smart idea as it's something unexpected. The visual languages are a way to communicate messages to the audience. A short video Words was shown that have short clips that connects to each other through transitions by movement, action, and words. For example, someone falling off building to plate breaking; and kid sniffling to wet painted on wall. Hardly any words were spoken, and the various mini video clips were connected to one another in a not so obvious way. That was an interesting video since it was unpredictable for what would show up next. Kinda wanted to see more afterwords.

Ismael then had a Q and A session for everyone in the music hall. He gave out a lot of useful information and advise in this section, especially for the anticipated graduating design students. Since Oishii Creative was his own design company, his advice for starting one is to learn lots of rules for how things are done. Really doubtful that I would do something like that, but something to keep in mind. He pointed out that as designers, we need to listen to the clients when discussing the design, and not imagine doing them as what we want but what they need. Since it's the designers' responsibility to translate the message of the client into the visual image.The other advice that I find useful was concerning networking, go to other events with guest speakers and meet people there to have connections. He was also really helpful concerning interviews as he is a company owner. His advice on portfolio is to have diversity with different styles, and to be open-minded. Really great advices that will definitely be helpful in the future.

Nov 3 - Sins Homework Review and Video

The class went over the homework of having 10 images for one of the deadly sins: lust, wrath, pride, sloth, greed, gluttony, and envy. I was warned about my images since I tore most of it from magazines with bad tears, showing that I'm "lazy." So something for future reference. My images were for Greed, so it have people in high position and having items since I went with the Christian definition: excessive desire and pursuit of wealth, status, and power. Most of the 10 images set were confusing as it was difficult to pinpoint which one of the deadly sins were being portrayed, especially since pride and greed were similar. We spent a lot of time going over each one individually. Then Jimmy went off on a side topic of Gustavo Dudamel, presentation of app used for him, and time as nonlinear. (All because one of my image have Gustavo in it ;P.) He also discussed the rubric checklist for the program exit learning outcome. The checklist helps the school to know if the students are getting enough education based on outsiders' views.

Then, we saw a short video called "Powers of Ten" by Office of Charles and Ray Eames.The first half of the video shows a view that for every 10 seconds, 100 meters will zoom out from the original pinpoint of a man on a picnic in Chicago all the way out to the view of the galaxies to be like stars. The zooming sequence then reverts (zooms in) for every 2 seconds to the close up view of the hand of the man, and goes even farther as seeing the protons and neutrons in the nucleus, and even further as seeing electrons as static with the 10 (-16) power magnification. This was definitely an interesting video as I've never seen a video zooming in and out of one focal point, especially of a high magnitude of 10 to the 16th powers in meters. Normally you would only see one illustration of one view in textbooks, not a whole pan out. For homework, we are to make a creative briefs for the video. The creative briefs are the basic information of the who, what, why, etc of the project/design.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Nov 1 - Methodology + Video

For class, we started with a discussion of what methodology is. Immediately with the word -ology, I thought the definition of methodology as "the study of methods." As with all cases of defining a word in the class , we broke the word down to have a clear understanding of the definition. So we first looked at other words that have "-ology" and the definition of it (ex. mythology, psychology, biology, etc.). "-ology" is a "body, a set of beliefs, or a specific group within." Then we looked at the word "method" as "ways of doing things, procedures, techniques", completing the definition of the methodology as study of methods / procedures - series of actions in series of orders to get consistent result. As designers, we have to use different methods in the design approach for producing our designs (brainstorm, sketch, etc). If the result is not what we wanted nor successful, then a different method would need to be used, since the design have to be smart, beautiful, relevant, appropriate, and fun to make.

Next, we watched a short film by Saul Bass called Why Man Creates. The video was very humorous and entertaining while showing the series of process of exploration of creativity. The introduction of the video had a cute animation that shows a quick history in time, kinda reminded me a school house rocks style. The series of process of creativity were the following:
1. edifice    (def- An elaborate conceptual structure)
2. fooling around: sometimes idea start that way
3. the process      (building blocks and not giving up)
4. the judgment       (criticism / positive / negative)
5. a parable       (def: A simple story illustrating a moral lesson)
6. A Digression    (losing thought or focus of idea)
7. the search: work in progress on new ideas   
Throughout the video, few words were surprisingly spoken as the rules were written down and visual clips were used in examples for each point. The video was entertaining and education, and I liked it very much.

The class then did a quick overview look everyone's homework of doing sketches of 10 original games. For my own share, I honestly have maybe 4-5 that I put some thoughts into it and the rest were just random ideas. My sketches mainly have rules/explanations and stick figures for illustrations. It was interesting to see what the other people thought of, there were a mix of creativity, uniqueness, simplicity and repetitiveness. For the judgment, everyone had to choose the best original games of each individual for only 20 min. Not enough for everybody to explain their 10 games. In the end, the best games chosen for the voting poll were Tumble-Topple (balancing marbles on unstable levels), Pandemonium ( combination of charades and maze), Who Took the Cookies? ( not being the last one to have the cookie card with maze). The winner was Cee with Pandemonium, I guess since charades is a classic game and simple. It was still a fun and challenging activity, just wished we have more time to go over all the games...

Our next homework is to have 10 images for one of the deadly sins: lust, wrath, pride, sloth, greed, gluttony, and envy. Similar to our previous homework of 10 images for one message, so it have to be indirect.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Reading 6: Stage 4 - Exploration/Refinement 97-116 (19 p)

Okay I know I'm way way behind on the reading assignment. Been busy with other assignments from other classes. So hopefully after this, I can continue with the reading section. -_- Gotta do this since it's worth a lot of points.

This chapter explains how to explore and refine concepts through different methods.The most basic way is to brainstorm some ideas of the concept, then do some sketches for visualization. By sketching out the ideas, designers will have a clearer understanding and help to explain the concept to other people such as clients. Sketching then becomes a dialogue to self or visual language. As proof, when we were children, drawings were used in education, to communicate with others, and to relate them with real version (book ex. elephant and scribble of elephant). As we grow older, the drawings/sketching developed further become more similar to reality and subjective to criticism. This is not best for designers as drawings are used as a communication of visual, emotion, and sense of "real." Even if the drawings are not "real" they still have a place in the design world as a visual presentation and play with people's imagination.
The book mentions the DO'S of sketches, here's some: sketch quickly and repeatedly, constantly, large and small, and use different medias. The DON'TS of sketches are to edit yourself (don't critique) and keep to self. There are other ways besides sketching to form a visual representation of an idea: 3d form and computer design. When done with sketching, it doesn't hurt to ask for other people's opinions to make new ideas just don't take too seriously. To need more inspirations for ideas, take a moment to reflect on your thoughts and take a break.
This was a really interesting chapter for me. I usually have all these different ideas in my head but I hardly sketch them. I definitely should sketch more often and follow the DO's. Another thing that was interesting to me was about us doing drawings when we were young and how vital it became for us in the future. Never really though about it in that way of communicating to others and to relating it to reality. Also helps to not take other people's opinion seriously. Maybe that's why I don't usually draw; worried of other's opinion *shrug*.  This chapter definitely helps for the current homework of making 10 original games through sketches. Also gotta work on that right now. Next class will be interesting, wonder what interesting games will come up!