Monday, November 15, 2010

Reading - Stage 6 - Communication p 141-168

Chapter 6 explains communication during the presentation process. Basically, when presenting the final stage of the design/idea. Communication has 3 phases: encoding, the message itself, and decoding of the audiences. The designers focus is on how the audience view the message, so it's important to communicate to the clients to focus on what they need than what they want. Reactions from the audience may be different than what the clients may want. However, there are several other factors to consider for communication: the clients, corporations, manufacturing, and associates. All of them have different needs and methods, so it's difficult, but very important, to communicate/ understand/ discuss with them in order to have all the demands met. Lots of group activity involved, so I guess I gotta work on debating people if I have to. ack.

During presentation, there are 4 levels of information needed: statement, concept, detail, and planning. Statement is the basic info of who, what, where, and why; almost like the creative briefs. Concept is the development of the idea. Detail is forming the idea into a visual image or model. Planning is what the design will do in the future. So during the presentation, we have to communicate how 4 levels were formed from start to finish. Some of the presentation methods are: illustration (pencils, markers, etc), computer programs (photoshop, flash), and models. It's very useful to have skills in several presentation methods, gives diversity. Gotta work on that since I have the stuff, but don't really bother to practice on them -_-.

A good way to give a presentation is to be a actor on stage - know the lines, use props (the materials), have emotions and tones, and be motivated. By being a good actor, you get the message across to the people and leave an impression. Being confident during the presentation would then communicate to the group that the idea/concept is a good one. This reminds me of when we did the body gesture activity of 2 lies and 1 truth. Really nervous up front, so it's gonna take some work for me to be a good presenter. Would help if I practiced and "know the lines" and be emotional. Man, I gotta work on everything based on this chapter! XD

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