We started class with discussing about the GAUGE speaker event regarding Ismael Obregon. Most of us attended the event and we gave a brief explanation to the ones who didn't. The name of his design company, "Oishii" was first discussed since Obregon pointed out that word/name was important. I didn't realize that the name could have been a combination of his name - O in Obregon and "ish" from his nickname. He didn't point that out, but only explained that he chose that name for the meaning "delicious" in Japanese. We also pointed out that he mentioned we should have 2 languages: spoken and visual language. Visual language contains: connection of the idea, expression of the of the idea and communication for it. The process is the translate it from words/message, interpret, synthesize it, and express the idea. In order words, make sense of the idea and get to to have different meanings. Examples would be symbols on the signs and the red hand symbols on the crosswalk for no walking.
Then, Jimmy briefly went over our homework of the creative briefs for the video: The Power of Ten. I really messed up the homework badly: fortunately, everyone got full points for it as we really did not go over it enough *whew*. So, the next discussion was about what creative briefs really are. There are 4 different types of creative briefs: outline approach, paragraph approach, complete sentences approach, and casual approach. The creative briefs are almost like a contract between a client and designers with information regarding the design between them. It's also a translation of what the clients wants for their design, so lots of adjectives, feelings, and action words were used. Jimmy read out several examples of creative briefs from unknown companies to give us a clearer idea of what they are. Creative briefs are more complex than I thought as it seemed like a report to me. Then again, it's been a while since I did one so that could be it too.
I think that we then went over our missed homework of 1 meaning with 10 images that shifts the mood or meaning. Uh....let's just say I did badly on that too and I definitely need improvement. Think cause I didn't put too much thought on my homework. Gotta work on that... Some people still had it, others didn't. So next class, the rest that didn't go that day will have to for next class. And we get no homework! ^_^
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